Home Care as a Form of Self Care - Chapter 1

You’ve probably heard the expression that your home is a reflection of yourself. In many aspects this is true. When our homes - our sanctuaries - are calm and peaceful, it helps us relax and even think more clearly. Stop and remember a time when your home felt like utter chaos with stuff everywhere, close your eyes and really ‘see’ it - how does this make you feel? It’s hard to have a sense of inner peace when our outer world is filled with clutter.

Now, before you think I’m advocating that you Marie Kondo your home and get rid of everything - I’m not! I’m just asking you to be mindful and to think differently about taking care of your home. Just as we take care of ourselves, our homes need some TLC on a regular basis too! And often, it’s the little things that can have a big impact on our mood and overall well being.

Let’s start with something simple: making the bed … I know, eye roll from some of you! I did a Facebook survey on this topic and there are three very distinct camps - those that do almost religiously, those that do sometimes but wish they had ‘more time’ to do on a regular basis and those that flat out don’t. I’m not here to judge, it’s your home and if it truly doesn’t matter to you than don’t spend the time each morning making your bed. BUT, I’m guessing that most who don’t make up their bed regularly will admit that when they do, they just feel better. There’s something about starting the day, knowing that your bed is made and waiting for you at the end of the evening. And seriously, how long does it take? Five minutes, tops! Think about how nice it is when you’re staying at a hotel and you come back to your room to find a freshly made bed. This is something that you can do for yourself every day. And really, it is just for YOU - and whomever you may share your bed with - most of your friends won’t see it, but you’ll know and it most likely will give you a little inner peace.

Even those of us with fur kids who like to roll around on the bed can still enjoy a freshly made bed. My little black lab, Hope, is a total diva and thinks that our bed is HERS. She loves to rearrange all the pillows! I’ve finally figured out a way to keep the bed in tact, for the most part, by tucking in the duvet and folding a quilt over the bottom of the bed. I still have to put the pillows back in place from time to time but for the most part I can enjoy getting into a freshly made bed at night.

I suggest trying the bed making ritual one or two days a week if you’re not in the habit. Take a minute to check in and see how it makes you feel vs. the days that you don’t make up your bed.

And then you can take it one step further and indulge in a refreshing mist for your linens - anything with lavender is my top choice, like this fabulous “Sweet Sheets” from Saje. There’s something so luxurious about laying your head on the pillow and inhaling the soothing scent of lavender before drifting off to sleep!

I’d love your feedback on this topic and if you had any insights or changes in mindset! Next, we’ll tackle kitchen counter clutter!

Many blessings,



Italian Veggie Bean Soup