Decorating with Baskets

Baskets have been used for both decorative and functional purposes in home decor by nearly every culture for centuries. And baskets will enhance and flow with virtually any design style! There are multiple reasons that I love using baskets in decorating my sanctuary (and those of my clients!): they add an organic element and a layer of texture to almost any room; they’re beautiful and come in all shapes, sizes and colors; they’re functional; and even if you buy from a larger retailer, the way you incorporate the basket(s) into your home design will be uniquely yours.

Baskets can range from inexpensive (under $10) to very pricey when you start looking at some of the hand-crafted styles on higher end websites. If budget is a consideration - check FB Marketplace, thrift and second hand stores, flea and farmer’s markets, and even your local grocery and drug stores. Sign up on World Market’s website and wait for one of their sales, they have a wonderful selection of baskets!

Below are some of my favorite ways to incorporate baskets into home design - once you start thinking of ways to use them, the ideas are limitless!

I hope this has sparked your imagination and given you some new ideas on how to incorporate beautiful baskets into your home design! One disclaimer I should add - collecting baskets can be addicting - but so worthwhile when you see how much warmth and texture they add to your sanctuary!




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