Going Back to Normal or Moving Toward Your Dreams?

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.”

~ Henry David Thoreau

I was reminded of this quote when I was listening to a lecture given by the late Wayne Dyer on YouTube yesterday - and wow, this one hit home! If I could choose one quote to sum up the past 15 months this would be it.

Last March, after a challenging nearly two year renovation, we were finally getting settled into our new home. I was so excited and already planning all the gatherings with friends, dinners I would cook in my new kitchen, cocktail parties poolside and then suddenly the world turned upside down! What we thought would be a brief lockdown turned into over a year of near isolation. No dinner parties, no lazy Sundays with friends around the pool - just me, my husband Micheal, our Lab, Hope and two puss cats. And to be honest, most of my time was spent alone with Hope as Micheal retreated to his office just a few miles away.

As I look back and remember those first few months, I realize I was in survival mode, barely able to function after watching the news filled with the horror and sorrow of the pandemic and so many lives lost. I spent most days outside with Hope, playing in the pool and waiting for Micheal to come home.

And then something began to change - I didn’t realize it at the time, but the pandemic was actually a blessing that gave me time to go deep within and reconnect with parts of myself that were long buried. The parts that whispered in the darkness but were pushed aside in the busyness of life until there was no busyness. Just quiet solitude.


Without realizing it, day by day, I was going confidently in the direction of my dreams. It started with swimming. Something that I always thought I couldn’t do. Until I did. It was one lap, and then another and soon I was swimming half a mile every night. With each stroke I was getting closer to my authentic self, someone who didn’t need - or want - to fill their days with mindless busyness!

I began to work on my new business - helping others transform a house into their sanctuary. Because I truly believe that our surroundings have a great impact on nearly everything we do. I started designing my new website - again, something that I had previously believed I couldn’t do! I thought I was technology challenged but step by step I figured it out (with the help of a dear friend via Zoom when I hit a snag!). I spent copious hours on each and every word, editing photos and working on each page layout. Something that had it not been for the pandemic, I probably would’t have thought I’d have the time to do - and instead would have just thrown something together to get it ‘done!’

And then one morning at 3:30 I awoke to more whisperings from my soul. I got up and started to paint - something I’d always longed to do but told myself that I wasn’t any good at and I couldn’t draw and besides, I didn’t have the time to spend just painting when I should be busy being productive. Oh, and let’s not forget, I’m too old - really, you can’t just suddenly decide to be an artist when you’re nearly 60, it takes years of study and practice!

But my soul kept pushing me - waking me in the wee hours, urging me to set aside my fears and doubts and just paint. I finally got up the courage to post one of my pieces in an art group on Facebook - and to my surprise it was well received! The one comment that really stood out was “I love your style!” Style? I had a style? How and when did that happen?

And so here I am, over a year after the pandemic started - I’ve launched my interior design business and I’ve become a budding artist who loves to swim! Even typing those words feels somewhat surrealistic and as our world begins to get back to what was formerly ‘normal’ I find myself feeling anxious and in a bit of a panic. I don’t want to ‘go back’ to normal, I want to keep moving forward!

For me, that means a simpler life. One that isn’t filled with mindless busy days but rather days spent helping clients create their heart’s desire - and time for me to explore where my art may lead. There will be less big parties and more intimate gatherings with those who nurture my soul, less time and money spent shopping for stuff I don’t need and more time spent outdoors appreciating the beauty of nature, less time spent obsessively cleaning my home and more time spent enjoying my sanctuary. Less time spent watching the news and more time spent painting. And yes, less time spent worrying about what might happen and more time spent going confidently in the direction of my dreams - and swimming, lots of swimming!

Are you going back to normal or do you long for something more? Please leave a comment and let’s help support each other in moving toward our dreams, whatever they may be!

Many blessings,



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