“One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.”

— Michael Korda

Like many, Cristina found herself working from home during the pandemic. Wanting to work in a soothing atmosphere, she initially set up a home office in her newly created Zen Room, but then decided that she couldn’t relax in the room at the end of the day. She moved her home office aka Zoom Room to a spare bedroom. Having received many compliments on her Zen Room during Zoom calls, she reached out to me so we could collaborate on creating another unique space. Cristina wanted to create a ‘corner office’ that would be both calming and motivating - and a focal wall to be used as a Zoom backdrop was at the top of the priority list!

Before Pix

And now Cristina’s work begins … with step by step instructions and virtual guidance always available!


Like a Boss - Cristina is ready for her next Zoom meeting!


Tropical Modern - Open Floor Plan